Monday, June 15, 2009


Site plan, read indicates the limited parking area and bus stops, blue indicates the traffic direction.

Ground floor plan

Floor plan one

Floor plan two


Poche of section

Poche plan

Sorry for the images on the side view, Blogger would not allow me to rotate my images around.

Interior Perspectives

Model Images


The artist is a male sculptor aged 50. In this space he works, lives, teaches and design his artwork. His major artwork is his main sculptor (centre of building almost two stories in height). He has spent over a decade making this masterpiece.

Every year he teaches maximum of two students in majoring sculptures and hand crafted work. Every month up to a maximum of ten people are allowed to come and visit his art work (which doesnt and hasnt changed since its his MAJOR artwork). The workshop is located on the ground floor, were it’s a private area even though is right next to entrance/exit.

He lives his life in the second storey in the corner of King St and Erskineville Rd, were falls and rises with nature and society. It is very private areas were no one will be allowed to go in, and the design is made so that people would not explore that area of the building.


50 year old male, majoring in sculptures, who lives, teaches, works and shows off his craft from time to time.